Sunday, January 31, 2010

Moving Day

I decided that since I can't have Calico in my backyard, I'd try to find a place to board her closer to home. Last week, I found a place that is six miles, one way, from my house instead of the fifteen I've been driving everyday for the past year. I'll start paying board, but that means no more cleaning stalls seven days a week. Today, we will drive Calico from the edge of one mountain range across the valley to the other. I hope this will be a good move for us, and will give me more time to work with her. Our last two training sessions were very successful in helping me to build my confidence, riding her in the arena with other horses. I'm really going to have to spend this month getting my muscles conditioned for the ride. It's the most trotting I've done in more than three years, since I found out I was pregnant with Philip. My body remembers what to do, but I get fatigued quickly. It's just a matter of time in the saddle, which is exactly the best preparation for our first big ride.

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